Monday, August 15, 2016

Benefits Of Musical Learning For Kids

What is truly inspiring are the piles of research showing that music can motivate learning and provide an intellectually stimulating environment. Currently, music companies such as Takelessons strive to create these learning environments by providing safe, affordable, fun music lessons to kids of all ages.
There are several reasons why listening to music works to create an ideal learning environment. One primary function it serves is to keep the mind awake and stimulated. Along with that it provides a relaxing stimulation that helps to relieve the pressure some may feel in an academic setting.

Most composers are aware of the mathematical elements of music, and many educators play classical music lightly in the background to promote what has been deemed as the Mozart Effect. Lastly, music helps to anchor things to memory, serving well for all ages when trying to store information.
  • Stimulation
Anyone having spent long hours studying or doing some other academic minded task eventually feels the effects of sitting still too long in a quiet environment. A cup of coffee or a quick walk provides a momentary arousal, but music can be played throughout the study session for long lasting stimulation.
Music is great for keeping one awake, that is why it is played by drivers on long rides and used by many as an early morning alarm. Choosing the ideal music to provide enough stimulation to heighten learning, while not serving as a distraction, is necessary. Many opt for classical or other instrumental choices, but this can be a personal choice.
  • Relaxation
Part of choosing the right musical selection is to ensure that while it is stimulating, it is not overly aggressive. Calming music helps to relax nervous learners and put them at ease so that they may perform at their best ability. Many find that when calmed by music they are easily able to recall all that they have learned, making it great for pressure ridden situations such as testing. Some have even cited that calming music can cause the body to release endorphins, much like exercise. The releasing of endorphins has been linked to faster learning.
  • Mathematical
Early Music Lessons Have Longtime Benefits

Composing music requires a complex understanding of math and music. The connection of the two is further demonstrated in what some refer to as the Mozart Effect. This is the belief that classical music, such as that composed by Mozart, enhances the ability to learn and understand math.
Many who are proponents of this learning environment especially say that early exposure is important, as this is when the fundamental elements of mathematics are learned. It is a somewhat controversial idea, as some proponents say that it increases I.Q. and others say there are only short term effects on testing. As classical music can still provide the simulating and relaxing benefits there are no doubts that it will provide for an improved educational setting.
  • Memorization
Putting ideas or words to music makes them easier to remember, simply think how easy it is to recall the lyrics of favorite sings. Many educators explore these benefits in childhood education with popular children’s learning songs.
Consider the popularity of the seriesSchoolhouse Rock; it not only made it easier to remember the songs but it made it fun. Music has the ability to help students commit something to memory with the added bonus of making learning more appealing to the interests of young children.
All of these benefits of learning with music have been discussed here primarily with elementary education settings in mind, but these concepts can be applied to any range of age groups and learning scenarios.
Using these concepts at home for personal learning allows greater room for personalized preferences, whereas educators using music in the classroom tend to stick to classical music as it offers the greatest range of benefits to the largest audience.

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